Monday, June 23, 2008

Golfing Should be fun!!!

Golf should be enjoyable. There is no reason why a player should have to struggle from year to year without making any improvements. But before golfing can be enjoyable and carefree, there is a need to go through an initial period of training, a learning curve in which you acquire a sound swing shape. Without the correct swing, you won't be able to play enjoyable golf!
It's just like learning to ride a bicycle, driving a car, or learning how to play a musical instrument. (It's not only depending on the equipment that you have but it's also from your lousy swing!!)

Your golf training, like these other activities, must be based upon a specific plan to be fruitful. Instructors who teach ballet, karate, horse riding, judo, or whatever, have a clear knowledge of what they are trying to create in their pupils and an equally clear knowledge of the techniques that will take the pupil to the desired goal.

The player needs a ready-made action plan so he can learn the correct techniques right from the start instead of trying to correct mistakes later on. If not, they will end like my blogger buddy; until todate yet to challenge me in in golf course. I don't no why!!!

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